Last updated
Last updated
Inverse Finance has selected ImmuneFi as host platform for our . We've set up a maximum bounty size of 80,000 DOLA and have these funds safeguarded in a multi-sig "vault" to prove our commitment to this cause. Users can report bugs anonymously through ImmuneFi to be reviewed by our committee. Read more about the Bug Bounty Program .
Last Updated 11/3/24
Only the following impacts are accepted within this bug bounty program. All other impacts are not considered as in-scope, even if they affect something in the assets in scope table.
The following activities are prohibited by this bug bounty program:
Any testing on mainnet or public testnet deployed code; all testing should be done on local-forks of either public testnet or mainnet
Any testing with pricing oracles or third-party smart contracts
Attempting phishing or other social engineering attacks against our employees and/or customers
Any testing with third-party systems and applications (e.g. browser extensions) as well as websites (e.g. SSO providers, advertising networks)
Any denial of service attacks that are executed against project assets
Automated testing of services that generates significant amounts of traffic
Public disclosure of an unpatched vulnerability in an embargoed bounty
Please feel free to contact our the Risk Working Group via our Discord Server with any questions about the rules or rewards for this program.
Only items explicitly listed in the and below are considered eligible for Inverse’s bug bounty program and, therefore, in-scope. We consider bug bounties to be a lasting complement to any external or in-house security audit capabilities that Inverse Finance develops. As such, smart contracts will only be eligible for the Bug Bounty Program once they have undergone our review process which may include rigorous testing by a third party auditor.
Base Network Fed -
AeroFedMessenger (AeroFarmerMessenger)-
Aero Fed Base (AeroFarmer) -
BaseFedCCTP -
AeroFarmerMessengerV2 -
AeroFarmerV2 -
Anchor Fed -
Arbi Fed -
ArbiGovMessengerL1 -
Arbitrum AuraFarmer -
AuraFarmerMessenger -
Aura Fed -
Convex Fed v2 -
FiRM Fed -
OptiFedCCTP -
VeloFarmerMessengerV3 -
VeloFarmerV3 -
OptiFed -
VeloFarmerMessengerV2 -
VeloFarmerV2 -
Debt Repayer -
Debt Converter -
DBR Auction -
DOLA Savings Account (DSA) -
sDOLA Helper -
MainnetDolaFlashMinterV2 -
BorrowController -
Simple erc20 Escrow -
Convex Curve Escrow -
INV Escrow -
Convex Fraxshare Escrow -
DAI Escrow -
ERC-4626 Escrow -
Convex crvUSD-DOLA Escrow -
Convex Escrow for FRAXpyUSD/DOLA -
Convex Escrow for FRAX/FRAXBP -
Convex Curve Price Feed -
st-yCRV Price Feed -
Convex Frax Share Price Feed -
wstETH Price Feed -
INV Price Feed -
wBTC Price Feed -
st-yETH Price Feed -
sFRAX Price Feed -
Primary crvUSD Feed -
Fallback crvUSD -
USDC-USD Chainlink Wrapper -
Yearn LP Feed V2 (DOLA/crvUSD Market) -
DolaFraxpyUSD LP Feed -
FraxpyUSD LP Feed -
DolaFixedPriceFeed -
Main Frax Feed -
Main pyUSD Feed -
pyUSD Fallback -
Base USDC/USD Wrapper for Chainlink -
Yearn LP Feed (DOLA/FRAXpyUSD Market) -
DOLAFraxBP LP Feed -
FRAXBP Pessimistic LP Feed -
Main USDC Feed -
USDC Fallback -
Base ETH/USD Wrapper for Chainlink ETH/USD -
Yearn LP Feed (DOLA/FRAXBP Market) -
PT-sUSDe-MAR272025 Feed Switch -
sUSDe/USD Chainlink Wrapper -
sUSDe Chainlink USD feed divided USDe:sUSDe exchange rate -
USDe/USD Chainlink Wrapper -
CurveHelper -
ERC4626Helper -
ALEv2 -
CurveDolaLPHelper -
yvyCRV Helper -
WETH Market -
CRV Market -
cvxCRV Market -
INV Market -
yvyCRV Market -
DAI Market -
Staked CVX Market -
wstETH Market -
wBTC Market -
st-yETH Market -
sFRAX Market -
COMP Market -
sUSDe Market -
Convex crvUSD-DOLA Market -
Yearn crvUSD-DOLA Market -
cbBTC Market -
Convex DOLA-FraxPyUSD Market -
Yearn DOLA-FraxpyUSD Market -
Convex DOLA-FRAXBP Market -
Yearn DOLA-FRAXBP Market -
PT-sUSDe-MAR272025 Market -
Oracle -
DBR Distributor -
xINV -
Xinv Manager -
XinvVestorFactory -
sINV v2 -
sInvHelper -
Treasury -
Governor Mills -
MultiDelegator -
Payroll -
gas consumption